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Net neutrality in India ... Save the Internet!

Posted by KrishKT KrishKTApr 18, 2015; 7:35am
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Media timelines these days are buzzed with the updates on the fight for freedom of the Internet. Yes, its fight for Net Neutrality in India ! / ?

Net neutrality is that Internet Service Providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet equally, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication. (i.e.) all the internet users to be treated equally on the internet!


Without net neutrality, 

ISPs would be able to charge users based on above said parameters.

Internet could come to resemble TV set top box, where gatekeepers exert control over what channels you see, based on Packages you purchased, similarly ISP's can control users Internet usage based on above parameters respectively.

ISPs would be able to block content and speech they don’t like, reject apps that compete with their own offerings,

ISPs can prioritize Web traffic reserving the fastest loading speeds for the highest payers and sticking everyone else with the slowest.

#Save the internet. Decide on network neutrality!

A group of Internet users has started a campaign requesting the public to send submissions to TRAI.
You can sent your view via #Save the internet