#TechMix - Android apps on Win10, Android File sharing, AI's sleep

Posted by KrishKT KrishKT
>> Microsoft Your Phone app will soon let users run their Android apps in Windows 10 device. Users even be able to pin these Android apps to the Windows 10 taskbar or Start menu. Also offers: drag & drop, phone control etc. Unfortunately this does not work seamlessly will all Android devices. Here is the list of currently supported devices

>> Android users can instantly share files securely with people around you with Google's 'Nearby Share'.  It automatically chooses the best protocol for fast and easy sharing using Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy, WebRTC or peer-to-peer WiFi — allowing users to share even when fully offline. This feature roll out started recently and can expect soon on your Android phone.

>> Artificial Intelligence designed to function like a human brain needs sleep just like humans!
A recent study reveals that neural networks experience benefits similar to a good night's sleep when exposed to an artificial analog of sleep! More...
