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*TechMix* | Google's Parental Controls, Snooze browser tab, Voice messenger for fun

Posted by KrishKT KrishKT โ€“ Mar 23, 2017; 7:14am
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>> Google introduces a new tool called Family Link an app that lets parents carefully manage the content on their kids' devices. Family Link allows kids to use real Google services โ€” Gmail, Maps, Chrome... with their accounts are directly tied to parent accounts, and there are many granular controls over what kids can and can't do.

>> Snooze your interesting but lengthy article you don't have time to read at the moment, you can snooze it. @MozillaFirefox users
The Snooze Tabs add-on places a small alarm-bell icon in the top right of your browser. Click this button to snooze the tab -- it'll close itself and reopen at a later time.
You can get the Snooze Tabs add-on from here.

>> Google's Supersonic Fun Voice Messenger app that transcribes everything you say and replaces words with emoji where it can. Download here
๐Ÿ”ฅ Send live voice messages and see emojis as you speak!
๐Ÿ™‰ Read my lips: Messages are converted to text so your friends can read โ€˜em even if they arenโ€™t able to listen.
๐ŸŽŠ Freely express yourself: Messages disappear after theyโ€™ve been heard.
๐ŸŽ‰ Keep it personal with one-on-one chats, or include the whole gang in a group.

As you can see below mashable snap, where lyrics are transcribed!
To the left, to the left, Everything you own in the box to the left, In the closet that's my stuff,
If I bought it please don't touch, And keep talking that mess, that's fine, But could you walk and talk at the same time? And it's my mine name that is on that tag, So remove your bags let me call you a cab
