
Posted by KrishKT KrishKT

>> Mozilla launches its first preview of Firefox Browser for iPhone, iPad!

>> Google announced Chrome 45, latest update increase speed and save battery life, especially on laptops.
Google says that this can save 10% of memory on average, with Gmail and other memory-intensive web applications saving up to nearly 25%. Update to latest version!

>> "Are you ok?" 

Companion Mobile App providing virtual companies for you on your way in areas where you feel less than safe.

Simply input your starting point and destination in the app and the software will track your progress, periodically asking "Are you ok?" the software will track your progress, periodically asking "Are you ok?"

If you don't respond within 15 seconds, by pressing a large green "Yes" button, the app will automatically notify your designated companion, including other features for safety.

Currently, the app is available as a free download for both iOS and Android.
